# Cache module installations in CI/CD
Installing dependencies for your project every time wastes a lot of bandwidth and energy. Please cache your dependencies whenever possible.
# Prefer smaller alternatives
If you are using a heavy library with a lot of dependencies, consider looking for smaller and more efficient alternatives.
You can use this list for reference as well as an automatic codemod for module replacements.
# Don’t bundle unnecessary polyfills
Unless you’re targeting ancient computers from a decade ago, or using cutting edge language features, there is really no reason to polyfill JavaScript. As a library author, consider not depending or including polyfills in your library, and as a web app developer, make sure that your browser target is set to most used versions (as a rule, last 2-3 browser versions).
nolyfill can help to find and replace polyfills with native language features.
# Don’t rely on micro-utilities
Oftentimes, a library could be a few lines of code. Not depending on a bunch of micro utilities saves bandwidth and reduces install and download sizes.